Monday 15 December 2014

Cool Dude Zombie with Pawpaw


You must admit this is as cool a dude that a zombie ever gets and the top hat from the Clever Duck did not go astray. Hang on,yes it did, I had to make another one because the duck's was too small. Can't take a single trick!

Why isn't there a font size between these two? Anyway, what is the significance of the pawpaw? That is between me and my great neice and there it will stay but believe me, it does mean a lot.

Some details of the build from the final photos is the best I can do as my computer went from Apple to PC and the transition was not smooth. I  was not taking progress shots, I was not modelling, actually everything came to a halt while the Apple was on the blink.
The base is a grooved piece of plaster, the pawpaw is Apoxie Sculpt as are the clothes. All pretty standard stuff. I added his arms attached to the toothpick cane, as a unit, to the body after sculpting the front of his tuxedo and adding a fine chain for that extra bit of class.

He seems a bit leery of the fruit, probably never having been confronted in this manner before. Who has?

An undercoat of Citadel white for both parties.

When was the last time you saw spats or even thought about them? I could remember Uncle Scrooge McDuck wore them, so I googled"cartoon characters wearing spats" and there he was with many more besides. Amazing! Of course then it had to be" Spats" by themselves and, well it blows your mind that the rest of the fashion world is obviously wearing them and it has just passed you by.

Well there he stands,be-spatted and ultra cool while the fruit of the moment just sits quietly ripening (cleverly balanced as its pin took to the super glue just a bit too quickly).
What will happen next? They have just about the same level of intelligence,probably a standoff.

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